Tuesday, May 6, 2008

RADIO BY THE BOOK available for pre-order

My next book is now available for pre-order on Amazon.com. It's scheduled for release on November 30. Everyone please make sure that civilization does NOT collapse (thus interfering with distribution of my book) prior to that date.

Here's the link to Amazon:

Radio by the Book: Adaptations of Literature and Fiction on the Airwaves


  1. I just bought it, but I don't think I've ever had to dig deeper to make a Kindle purchase! On Amazon Canada I used the "Kindle" filter and entered the title. Nothing came up, which made me suspicious, since your link shows the US Amazon does have the electronic edition. I entered the "store" option from within the Kindle app on my device, and entered the title in the search engine. Again, nothing, although someone else's book on radio program history appeared. I added your name to the title and finally got it. They sure didn't make it easy to find! Now I'm wondering what else is really on Kindle that I had concluded was unavailable.

    1. Thanks for your persistance in looking for it. I'll double-check the links on the other entries you commented on.

  2. I'm a librarian too, so there's no excuse for me not to persist ... .
