Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday's Favorite OTR

Crime Classics: “Blackbeard’s Fourteenth Wife” (November 11, 1953)

Crime Classics is a unique show—an anthology that purports to dramatize some of the most memorable crimes in history. In reality, it didn’t worry all that much about historical accuracy—it just told stories really, really well.

Created and directed by Elliot Lewis, the show expertly weaved droll, informal narration together with the sound effects and actors’ dialogue, giving it a unique ambiance. In “Blackbeard’s Fourteenth Wife,” this makes for a fun half-hour as we learn why the famous pirate’s latest wife was bad for him.

Blackbeard is played by William Conrad, who really seems to be enjoying the role. In fact, everyone involved seems to be having fun, which is probably why the episode is so enjoyable. It manages to infuse a bloody and violent story with droll humor, but never comes across as mean-spirited or tasteless. Crime Classics isn’t one of old-time radio’s best-known shows, but it probably oughta be.

Click HERE to listen or download.


  1. Just happened across your blog while browsing - perfect timing, as I'm looking for some good reads. I'll be checking out your ebooks!

  2. Thanks in advance. I hope you enjoy them.
