Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I’m debating with myself how much longer to continue the History of the Marvel Universe series. It’s really not that long before I reach a point where I don’t have access to reprints of every single Marvel super hero book. (Heck, I already feel badly that I haven’t been able to review Sgt. Fury and the Howling Commandoes, since those characters show up in modern-day continuity.) Once I start leaving gaps, it just doesn’t seem as much fun.

I’ll continue at least through the Galactus saga in Fantastic Four. After that, I’m considering several options. Option #1: I may continue this series, but limit it to what I think are the four best books of the 1960s (Fantastic Four, Spider Man, Thor and Dr. Strange.)

Another option is to stop being chronological and start cherry picking specific storylines to review. This has the advantage of letting me look at later stories (from the 1970s and early 1980s) that I might never get to otherwise. It also lets me jump back to look at stuff from the 1940s and 1950s. And it will let me look at DC as well as Marvel comics. (With perhaps an occasional EC, Dell, or Gold Key comic thrown in.) I’d also be able to cover some non-superhero storylines. I occasionally cover other comic books in my Thursday post, but I’m reluctant to do that too often, since I don’t want this to be a comic book dominated blog. I want plenty of room to cover pulps, B-movies and old-time radio as well.

Then again, maybe I’ll keep up these more comprehensive reviews of the Marvel Universe as long as I can. I really enjoy doing them. The only reason I’m thinking of changing the format is because I don’t want it to reach a point where it’s not complete. We’re about to hit the four-year mark (Nov. 1961 through Oct. 1965). Maybe I should set my ending point on the five year mark? I dunno yet.

Anyway, I appreciate the fact that there are a few people who follow my blog and I’m open to suggestions. If you have any comments about what I should do, please post them. (Which reminds me—my thanks to whoever gave this blog a nice review over on Amazon.com).

Just remember—the fate of the entire universe may rest on what I decide to do about this. I mean, it probably doesn’t. But it might. You never know about these sorts of things.


  1. Hi all and I really love comics, the heroes of Marvel and the stories are inspiring for those who enjoy this fantastic world of imagination, es'm creating a comic book and I can not say how the stories we read are important to making our imagination fly and feed our creative channels!
    The Marvel books really are a source of inspiration ..
    excuse my English a big hug from Brazil!

  2. I think broadening the focus might be cool. I love seeing the chronological reviews but I think everyone can relate to having holes in the collection :)

  3. Thanks for commenting. I am leaning towards broadening the focus to other comics, but I'll continue the chronological reviews at least through FF #51 (one issue past the Galactus trilogy). Still haven't decided for sure what to do after that.
