Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday's Favorite OTR

Philip Marlowe: “Anniversary Gift” 4/11/51

This is an interesting entry in the series. Marlowe was usually played (with perfection) by Gerald Mohr. But Mohr apparently wasn’t available the week this episode aired. I have no idea why—maybe he was sick or doing a bit part in a movie or what have you. I like to think he was falsely accused of murder and on the run from the cops, while using detective skills he learned from Philip Marlowe scripts to catch the real killer. But that, admittedly, seems unlikely.

Anyway, Marlowe this week is played by William Conrad. Conrad certainly can handle tough guy roles (heck—Matt Dillon is a thematic relative of the hard-boiled P.I.) and it’s really interesting to hear how effectively he gives voice to Marlowe. I still prefer Mohr in the role, but Conrad handles himself well.

Click HERE to listen or download.


  1. A great episode--I'm glad I had the time to listen. This was my first exposure to the Philip Marlowe radio show and so Bill Conrad will be the definitive voice for me (like Roger Moore is the definitive Bond for me). Maybe Mohr will overthrow Conrad if I hear more episodes, which I hope to do.

    You didn't mention a young John Dehner has a role in the episode, so that was a delightful surprise. One of my favorite actors (of radio and TV). I just ordered his Fort Laramie series and hope to buy your annotated episode guide (once I get my computer able to download Kindle e-books).

    Thanks for sharing these gems from you OTR collection! I've come to really look forward to "Friday's Favorite OTR." -- Gary in Omaha

  2. When you get a chance to listen to Mohr, post a comment letting us know what you think in comparison to Conrad.

    Dehner was in so much radio during the 1950s, it sometimes seems hard to find a show he WASN'T in. Fort Laramie, by the way, is a superb show. But Dehner plays the lead in only the audition show. When it aired, he was replaced by Raymond Burr. Dehner, though, is in at least half the episodes playing different character parts.
