Saturday, June 2, 2012


I won't waste a day when I do a regular post to shamelessly self-promote myself, but--by golly--I'll write a special weekend post to do so!

Bogie at War:

A short e-pamphlet that examines seven films starring Humphrey Bogart made just prior to or during World War II. Themes of self-sacrifice, service to others and confronting evil run through all these films--themes that are still viable and important today.

Bogie confronts the Axis in various roles in the films:

All Through the Night
Across the Pacific
Action in the North Atlantic
Passage to Marseille 
To Have and Have Not

99 Films and Cartoons Your Children MUST See Before Growing Up--Or They'll Turn Out To Be AXE MURDERERS!:

A guide to old-time films and cartoons designed to help parents ensure that TV time for their kids is an entertaining experience that also has respect for the innocence of childhood. This isn't just a classic film list, but also includes lesser-known B-movies that are still worthwhile in terms of good storytelling. The movies and cartoons on this list are first and foremost well-told stories. It is hoped that they can also teach children a little bit about our cultural history and maybe toss in an occasional lesson about honor, courage, faith and responsibility.

Fort Laramie--A Review and Episode Guide of the Old Time Radio Show

A review and detailed episode guide of the Western series that played on CBS radio in 1956. A strong, well-written show with great characters, it was a short-lived but worthwhile edition to the Western genre. Raymond Burr starred as Captain Lee Quince, the tough professional who led a cavalry troop stationed at the titular fort during the 1870s.

Mr Moto--A Review and Episode Guide of the Old Time Radio Show

Mr. Moto was a 1951 spy/mystery series based on the character created by novelist John Marquand. A spy for the Imperial Japanese government in the original novels, he became a Japanese-American agent for the United States in the radio series. The very polite, very intelligent and (when necessary) very ruthless Mr. Moto foiled a variety of Communist plots over the course of 23 half-hour episodes.

Granby's Green Acres--A Review and Episode Guide of the Old Time Radio Show

A brief history, review and episode guide for the 1950 old-time-radio comedy "Granby's Green Acres." A summer replacement series that had a very brief run, it was later used as the model for the successful 1960s television series "Green Acres."

All my e-books are only .99 cents. Remember that you can download the Kindle app to your computer or mobile device for free.

Space Pirates: A Pencil-and-Paper Game

This is the rule book for playing a game that requires you provide a pencil and paper for each player. You would also need to have some ten-sided dice and six-sided dice handy.

In this game, each player commands a space ship taking part in a pirate raid on Civilized Space. There are a succession of missions to undertake. With each mission, the players must individually decide how many attack shuttles to risk, how many missiles to launch, and whether to use Risky Tactics (increasing the risk of damage to your ship, but earning you more Glory Points.). The more resources a player uses on a mission, the more Glory Points can be earned--but that leaves less resources available for later missions. 

Players whose ships suffer too much Hull Damage or Crew Loses are knocked ou of the game.Those who survive until the end of the game (which includes surviving a final battle with the intrepid Earth captain Isaac Templeton of the battleship Saturn's Glory) add up their total Glory Points. The player with the most points wins.

This is a very simple game that can usually be played in less than half-an-hour, If you are in the mood to lead a crew of bloodthirsty alien pirates on a quest for loot and glory, then you'll enjoy SPACE PIRATES.

Storytelling in the Pulps, Comics and Radio: How Technology Changed Popular Fiction in America

The first half of the twentieth century was a golden age of American storytelling. Mailboxes burgeoned with pulp magazines, conveying an endless variety of fiction. Comic strips, with their ongoing dramatic storylines, were a staple of the papers, eagerly followed by millions of readers. Families gathered around the radio, anxious to hear the exploits of their favorite heroes and villains. Before the emergence of television as a dominant—and stifling—cultural force, storytelling blossomed in America as audiences and artists alike embraced new mediums of expression.

This examination of storytelling in America during the first half of the twentieth century covers comics, radio, and pulp magazines. Each was bolstered by new or improved technologies and used unique attributes to tell dramatic stories. Sections of the book cover each medium. One appendix gives a timeline for developments relative to the subject, and another highlights particular episodes and story arcs that typify radio drama. Illustrations and a bibliography are included.

"most entertaining...very perceptive...There’s a lot here, and it’s organized very well...a fine study"--Classic Images; "painstakingly, DeForest carries his readers down memory lane in a nostalgic tribute to a trio of abandoned story models after the inception of modern technology...his research appears authentic and sweeping and his writing style compelling...fascinating"--Radio Recall; "methods used to perform the task of storytelling are examined in interesting and highly informative read...recommend it highly"--Illustrated Press; "delightful...astounding compendium...impressive...captivating"--Science Fiction Studies; "interesting and rewarding...lively interesting and insightful endeavor...anyone who loves pulps, comics, and especially radio--and anyone who appreciates the intrinsic value, both aesthetically and morally, in each medium--will treasure this work"--SPERDVAC Radiogram; "interesting"--Critical Mass.

Radio by the Book: Adaptations of Literature and Fiction on the Airwaves

During the first half of the 20th century, radio's hunger for captivating characters and stories could not be sated. Three national networks and dozens of independent stations had to fill a vast expanse of air time with comedy, adventure, mystery, drama and music, night after night. It's no surprise that producers and writers looked to outside sources, drawing some of old-time radio's most beloved characters (Sherlock Holmes, Tarzan, Hopalong Cassidy, Buck Rogers) directly from books.

This work examines individual characters that jumped from prose to radio and a number of programs that specialized in dramatizing literature. It covers mystery and detective shows, adventure stories, westerns, and science fiction, and anthology shows that adapted novels by such greats as Twain, Steinbeck and Dickens. The text explores how the writers and producers approached the source material--what they changed, what they kept and what they left out.

"a new and most welcome contribution to the literature of the genre...a lively and entertaining read.... Fans of old time radio will savor DeForest’s attention to detail, accuracy and impressive research"--Scarlet
"ought to be on every vintage radio collector’s bookshelf"--The Old Radio Times
"a delightful read"--SPERDVAC Radiogram

I know my books are little expensive, but an alternative is recommending to your local library that they purchase copies of it.

If enough of you buy my stuff, I'll be able to purchase a huge mansion on a hill, then spend my time looking disdainfully down on all you "little people." And, really--who wouldn't want that to happen?

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