Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Testing the ability to leave a comment

I've had two different people recently manage to get in touch with me to tell me they've had trouble  leaving comments on my blog. I'd like to test this--if one of you could try to leave a comment to this post, I'd appreciate it. (Of course, if I don't see a comment at all, I won't know for sure if someone TRIED to comment and couldn't. But it's a start.)

I may not be online for the rest of the day. If so, I won't get around to moderating any comments left until tomorrow.


  1. Thanks for doing so. If there was a problem with the comments, it seems to be resolved.

  2. I'll take the opportunity to mention a problem I've had when coming to your 'blog--getting shanghaied by the Old Time Radio circle. Your page come up, then suddenl;y switches to the OTR site. I'm careful not to click on anything, so can't explain the phenomenon. (I'm an OTR fan, so it's nothing too upsetting, except when I'm eager to read your latest offering!)

    Keep up the great wok here. I read everything, but only comment now and again.


  3. That's happened to me a few times and at least one other person has metnioned it. I'll keep looking into it. If I can't figure out any other way to fix it, I can drop my blog off the OTR Circle.
