Tuesday, June 21, 2016

New banner for the blog.

I have a new banner for my blog, a portrait of the blog's behind-the-scenes editor, Melvin the Velociraptor. Actually, it's still unfinished--some color needs to be added and the artist tells me that he'll be adjusting some of the shadows and background opacity. But it looks so awesome that I thought I'd start using it now, updating it to the finished version when that's ready in a few days.

The artist is Ben Alvarez and you can see more of his work HERE.


  1. I like the banner! It's very eye-catching and thought-provoking.
    My compliments to Mr. Alvarez.
    I'm missing your thumbnail autobiography; hope it returns in some form.

    Would also love to hear more about your recent mission trip.

    Best wishes!

  2. Thanks. I'm glad you like it.

    I hadn't realized my bio had disappeared. I must have inadvertently hidden it when I was rearranging things. I'll add it back in.

    The mission trip was the best I'd ever been on. There were over 100 men in the Chaplains' class, all enthusiastic and eager to learn the Word. I was there with a couple of pastors from Arizona and we were asked to teach more than we had planned on (all 12 Minor Prophets, Philippians, Ephesians and Mark), but we managed to get everything done. Wonderful trip to help a ministry where men are literally going to the front lines to serve God.
