Friday, October 27, 2017

Friday's Favorite OTR

Voyage of the Scarlet Queen: "The Lily in the Chimopo Bar" 7/31/47
                                                "The White Cargo Act and Ah Sin" 8/7/47 (A direct sequel to the first episode.)

In Korea, Phil Carney takes aboard a cargo of ginseng bound for Shanghai, but a femme fatale turns the simple job into an adventure involving several murders and a battle with pirates on the high seas.

Arriving in Shanghai, the femme fatale continues to make trouble, landing Carney and his first mate in prison. It's the second of these two episodes that introduces a Chinese criminal named Ah Sin. Short, fat, with a child-like face and a voice like Charles Laughton, he also has a Texas gunman as a "confidential secretary."  It's an open question for most of the episode whether Ah Sin is another enemy or a reluctant ally.

Ah Sin makes only one more appearance in a later episode. It's probably best he wasn't overused, but he's a really fun character and I'm sorry we never got to "see" more of him.

You can listen or download the first episode HERE and the second one HERE.

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