Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Edgar Rice Burroughs Mini-Podcast #6: Tarzan's Magic Fountain

Tim DeForest does a brief review of the 1948 film Tarzan's Magic Fountain.

The audio only version can be accessed HERE


  1. Thanks for this review! Watched this one just two weeks ago. Part of my month-long Tarzan film fest--hey, gotta do something while cooped up. While Weissmuller remains my all-time favorite Tarzan, Lex Barker was excellent in the role. Having Brenda Joyce continue in her role as Jane lends a continuity to the series--but Lex seems a lot closer to her in age than Johnny. I agree that the antics of Chita tend to be overdone, not only here but in many other films in the franchise. And the entire "Fountain of Youth" premise could have been taken much farther. Still and all, this was a good debut film for Lex as Tarzan. Excellent commentary!

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed the podcast and, as always, I appreciate your always insightful comments.
