Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Travelin' Toughy, Part 4


Ding Dong #4 (1947) has Travelin' Toughy flying over Egypt. Not surprisingly, he spots trouble. In this case, trouble starts with a crying boy, whose dad has been falsely accused of stealing the queen's jewels. The real thief is a local political boss, who is using the kid's dad as a convenient fall guy.

Toughy and the kid (named Akin) tale the real bad guy to the Black Pharoah's tomb, where the villain has hidden the stolen jewels. 

The tomb is supposedly cursed, but its either go in or allow Akin's dad to be beheaded. They find the stolen jewels there and manage to grab them. 

What follows is a chase scene. Like the chase scene in the last issue, artist Ted Miller gives us an exciting and charming slapstick chase scene, which ends when the trick the bad guy into jumping off a pyramid.

Whether the bad guy survives the sudden drop is not discussed. But since the jewels are recovered and Akin's father is saved. Remember that back in Ding Dong #1, Toughy described himself as mean and tough and hating everyone. This story ends with hm saying that helping people just comes naturally. Toughy has finished his character growth in time for one last adventure.

Click HERE to read this story online.

Next week, we'll check in with Ben Bowie and His Mountain Men.

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