Thursday, September 15, 2022

Pa Kettle is My Hero


One of the usual sources for humor in the Ma and Pa Kettle movies released by Universal is that Ma (Marjorie Main) does all the work around the house and caring for the kids, while Pa (Percy Kilbride) searches out ways to avoid work and laze about.

But we still like Pa, because he regularly demonstrates that, despite his faults, he loves his wife and is there for her when she really needs it. He is also, at heart, a downright decent and compassionate human beings.

We see evidence of that several times in Ma and Pa on Vacation (1953),  Friends invite them on a trip to Paris. Despite a quest to buy postcards featuring pictures of can-can dancers, Pa pays attention to Ma and makes a point of complementing her regularly. 

And when Pa's willingness to do a favor for a stranger gets all of them involved with spies and a quest for stolen secret plans---well, Ma ends up a prisoner of the spies. Pa knows where she is and wants to bring the cops along to help. But the cops don't speak English and Pa doesn't speak French. How does he get them to follow him? Pa comes up with a plan. He might be naturally lazy, but when the woman he loves is in trouble, he'll take direct action without a second thought. 

Observe the awesomeness of Pa Kettle in the clip below:

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