Thursday, January 19, 2023

The Mummy's Curse (1944)


Read/Watch 'em In Order # 156

The Universal Monster movies always played fast and loose with its timeline. The final Mummy movie--1944's The Mummy's Curse--might have the oddest time jump of all. It is set 25 years after the previous film. I suppose that means it's set in the far future year of 1969. Obviously, the producers didn't care about that detail. But, when you watch the film, there's nothing really overt about it that says it's NOT set in 1969 other than the car the protagonist is driving. Perhaps the guy just likes antique cars.

Anyway, remember that Kharis, carrying the reincarnated Princess Ananka, sank into a swamp. A quarter century later, Kharis has been recovered from the swamp by a couple of members of  Ananka's cult, strangling some poor shlub when they acquire it. One of the cultists is posing as the assistant to an archeologist named Dr. James Halsey (Dennis Moore). Halsey is in the swamp specifically to recover Kharis and Ananka for a museum. 

One of the things I like about this movie--in fact, about the entire series--is the casualness in which people accept that an undead mummy occasionally walks around and kills people. It's understandable, because after Kharis is reanimated in the first movie, there's plenty of evidence to show that it's true. In this case, the head of a construction crew draining the swamp is skeptical, but Halsey has no problem with the idea.

Anyway, the cultists use Tana leaves to bring Kharis back to life. In the meantime, in a scene that is remarkably creepy for this low budget film, Ananka climbs out of the swamp. She's young again despite having aged rapidly in the last film. She also has amnesia.

Ananka ends up working for Halsey, proving herself to be very knowledgable in all things ancient Egyptian. Kharis starts stalking her. Several people get strangled. Ananka is finally taken by Kharis and brought to the ruins of a monastery the cultists are using as a hideout. One of the cultists brings Halsey's girlfriend along as well. This sets off a "you-betrayed-your-oath-of-secrecy" conga line involving the cultists and Kharis. One cultist backstabs the other. Halsey shows up and gets into a fight with the still-living cultist. Kharis takes a hand in all this and also decides to kill the cultist. In the end, a big chunk of the monastery collapses on the mummy and the cultist. Since that cultist was the last living person to know the secret of the Tana leaves, there's apparently no danger of Kharis being brought back to life again.

Poor Ananka, lying in a mummy case in the monestary, has once again aged back to her normal 3000 years, so she's a goner as well. But Halsey gets his girlfriend for himself and the mummy for his museum. The end.

The low budget often shows in this entry, but despite that, I like it a lot. It's very atmospheric, with Ananka's resurrection from the swamp being particularly striking. Also, shots of the mummy walking up to the monastary ruins look pretty cool. The 60-minute film moves at a brisk pace and tells its story effectively. The Mummy's Curse is definitely a 2nd-tier entry in the Universal Monster canon, but it's still worth watching.

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