Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Ghosts, Space Dragons and a Really Cool Superfeat.


cover art by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez

In the previous issue of Action Comics, Clark and Lois are in Smallville, dealing with apparent ghosts haunting the Kent house. Superman also gets ambushed by a super-powerful ancient Kryptonian warrior. In the next issue (#495--May 1979), writer Cary Bates and artist Curt Swan manage to bring the various plot elements together, explain what's going on, and bring the tale to a satisfying conclusion.

The full explanation is effectively divided between a dream Clark has of one of Superboy's adventures and a villain monologue. To sum it up, years ago, Superboy stopped a dragon-like monster from destroying an alien civilization. The Boy of Steel is given a token of gratitude, with no one realizing that the creature's astral essence had taken up residence in that token.

After years of rebuilding its energy, the creature manipulated Chief Parker and summoned up ghostly images. 

Now it is ready to assume a physical form, that of the ancient Kryptonian warrior called a Dwalu. It was thus able to sucker-punch Superman in the last issue. In this issue, the Dwalu and Supes eventually face off for a real fight.

It's a short fight, but gee whiz it's fun. Cary Bates shows off how good he is at writing Superman by having the hero use his powers in clever ways. He tunnels under the Dwalu to get in his own sucker-punch. When that doesn't work, he tangles the Dwalu's entergy sword in his cape and apparently throws it away. But actually he threw it around the world, catching it and using it to defeat his opponent.

That's just cool.

It turns out the creature isn't displeased with being defeated, as this somehow frees its astral essence and it leaves Earth.

Throughout the story, there's also some really fun dialogue between Chief Parker and Lois, then later Parker and Clark, hinting at Lois and Clark's feelings for one another without resolving anything.

Good characterization, a fun,original story and clever use of superpowers. This is how you make a comic book fun.

Next week, we'll see how Hulk is dealing with the death of a loved one.

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