Thursday, April 18, 2024

How to Save a Civilization


cover art by Albert Drake

"The Planet That Time Forgot," by Donald A. Wollheim appeared in the Fall 1940 issue of Planet Stories.

It's set entirely on Planet P, a large newly discovered planet outside the orbit of Pluto. But there's a human civilization on Planet P, despite what SHOULD be freezing cold temperature. The first half of the story is set amidst that civilization. 

We discover that the despotic ruler of Nimbor has invented a heat ray of some sort and is planning on conquering the freedom-loving nation of Toom. Toom's beautiful queen Oomith refuses to give in and announces that the people of Toom will fight rather than submit to tyranny. But Oomith is kidnapped and, well, Nimbor has a heat ray. The poor Toomians seemed doomed.

But then weird stuff starts happening Oomith has a brief vision of a man she doesn't know. Then she suddenly finds herself back home in Toom. The heat ray mysteriously appears in Toom as well, giving the good guys a sudden advantage in the Planet P arms race. To top it all off, the rulers of Nimbor appear in the dungeons of Oomith's castle. The good guys win, but have no idea how.

The second half of the story takes us aboard an Earth spaceship on its way to explore Planet P. We're told this is a flashback. Well, I think to myself while reading the story, that's it. The Earthmen will reach the planet, figure out what's going on and use some sort of teleportation technology to save the day.

But I was wrong. The twist--involving what exactly the expedition discovers on Planet P and the method through which they help the nation of Toom--is cleverer than that. I don't want to hint at it, because I don't want to spoil anyone's fun in reading it. You can read the story for yourself HERE.

If anyone reads this and DOES figure out the twist, let me know. I freely admit I didn't see it coming and had a lot of fun being fooled. But another, perhaps more attentive reader, might catch on quicker.

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