Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Run, Gingerbread Man, Run!


cover art tentatively credited to Walt Kelly

Fairy Tale Parade #6 (May-July 1943) includes a charming 6-page story drawn and probably written by Walt Kelly. It's a simple, straightforward tale, given life by Kelly's energetic and delightful art.

The premise is simple. An old man, old woman and young boy live in a house, where the woman is cooking a gingerbread man. But the gingerbread man is (understandably) unwilling to just sit back and be eaten. He makes a break for it.

He outruns the man, woman and boy, bragging about how fast and agile a runner he is the whole time. He passes a couple of ditch diggers and taunts them into chasing him, then outruns them as well. 

He does the same with a bear and a wolf. Can no one catch this arrogant braggard of a cookie?

Well, someone can. When the gingerbread man brags to a fox, the fox feigns that he's hard of hearing. The gingerbread man comes closer and closer, annoyed as he repeatedly yells "I can outrun you, too!!!"

Before he knows it, he's close enough for the fox to simply grab and then quickly eat.

Like most fairy tales and fables, it has a simple moral--in this case: don't be overconfident or arrogant. And that's fine. Simple morals are an appropriate part of fairy tales and this one is a good lesson. But, as I mentioned above, what really gives this tale life is Kelly's art. The action is kinetic and fun--the characters are all endowed with personality. It's a fairy tale world all of us enjoy visiting. Well, as long as we don't get too close to the fox.

You can read this one online HERE

Next week... well, a jump from fairy tales to knife-wielding assassins seems logical enough to me. We'll be visiting with Shang-Chi, Master of Kung Fu. 

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